On The 13th September Llandudno SC played host to an “Introduction to Fevas” event and it was a great success. 14 new, single-handed sailors attended to give the Feva a try. With 3 coaches and 4 helpers from the current Welsh Zone squad it was a busy day on the water!


With near-perfect sailing conditions for a first outing it was clear that everyone clearly enjoyed the day. Several stayed behind to ask about next steps/next training sessions.


We look forward to seeing many of these young sailors again at the open training planned for 11th October also hosted by Llandudno SC.



Sunday 11th October – RS Feva Open Training 

Coach: Max Todd (Welsh Feva XL Coach)

Venue: Llandudno Sailing Club

Cost: £20/sailor


This is an open training event for all RS Feva sailors of all abilities.


Link to book: http://welshsailingevents.org/event-registration-2/?ee=431