UK RS Feva Class Association Membership
UK RS Feva Class Association Membership is annual and will expire on 31st December
By Joining the UK RS Feva Class Association you will be joining the world’s leading double handed dinghy for youngsters and parent / child teams.
We will ensure that members are kept up to date with details about lots of exciting class activities. You will also be able to enter any of the events and training organised by the class, many of which are organised exclusively for UK RS Feva Class Association members.
To qualify for Worlds/Europeans/Eurocup/Nationals/Inlands/Racing Circuit events and for coaching events the helm and crew sailing in that event MUST be a full member of the Association.
Our class sponsors offer member discounts and you will be notified of these through our news letters.
Working for RS Feva Sailors
- Sets the rules to give great one-design and handicap racing – enhancing resale values
- Organises websites, forums, race reports, news – keeping you informed
- Organises racing events with fantastic social scene – improving your Class’s popularity and value
- Organises training events – helping you get the most from your boat
- Liaises with the builder, RS Sailing – ensuring the quality and specification are what owners want
- Encourages new people to get involved – giving a better experience for everyone
- Negotiates excellent discounts from the RS Sailing Store (including sail discounts), and many other companies
Who is your Class Association?
It is run by volunteer RS Feva enthusiasts from parents to coaches and of course, we love input from the sailors too with back-up by a part-time professional administrator.
- It is run by volunteer RS Feva enthusiasts from parents to coaches and of course, we love input from the sailors too with back-up by a part-time professional administrator.
- The sailors make the plans and decisions – without having to do all the leg work
Membership Benefits
- Offers full access to major championships and voting rights, plus eligibility for member benefits including sail deals and sponsor discounts.
Please show support by joining your Class Association
Full Membership is £35.00 per year
Family Membership is £58 per year, this is available to 2 or more sailors from the same household.
Competitors may pay a temporary 1 event membership of £5.00. Please contact the Class Admin for details (Only 1 temporary membership per year).
The information relating to RS Feva Class Association members held on the RS Feva Class Association membership database will only be used for the benefit of the membership and membership offers. If you do not wish details to be issued on your behalf, please contact the Secretary, in writing.