Review/Anonymise Data
Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws to request access to your data and to request us to correct/erase/anonymise your data.
Data request For general form submissions
If you wish to exercise any of the rights set out above, please submit this form.
On receipt of the request we will assemble your data and email it to you.
(please be aware that we have 30 days in which to respond to your request)
Email Preference Centre
Visitors who have requested/consented to receive our special offers and news will have their email stored in a 3rd party email system. This system enables us to keep your email address and a statistical record of all email activity.
This system has a “preference centre.” The preference centre allows you to adjust your mailing settings as well unsubscribe.
All emails which we send out include a link where you are able to adjust your settings.